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Mirror in Reverse
"One of the most significant aspects of contemporary visual art is the necessary conjunction of factors that confer legitimacy: the discussion of inherent questions related to the time, the reflection of the unsettling events impacting upon the artist and the appropriateness of the medium and the frame chosen to exhibit the work or artistic production.For the artist, the witnessing or the observation of his era provokes in his spirit a convulsion, an unsettling feeling that must be translated into a specific medium. This is the battlefield of art, “a drama lived by all who are condemned to invent, create, construct” (Fernand Léger, Functions of Painting). The capacity of the artist is put to the proof and often the result is obliterated by the difficulties related to the material elaboration of the idea.While searching for the best manifestation, it is natural that the artist incorporates into his creative process the evolutions and scientific discoveries of his time. The use of various tools provides additional facilities, as they amplify the productive range; similarly, the association of some media, especially the technologies, diversifies the language and permits multiple results. Thus, as a means of expression, painting is perhaps one of the most difficult options available today and this is the principal support chosen by Saramello for the answer to his conundrum, almost against the flow of history. His ability to draw and paint supports the conception of his work and in parallel, offers to one a land that is being thoroughly explored.In abandoning other media to give preference to a traditional resource, Saramello induces in the public a direct and comfortable understanding from the very first moment. His ingenuity thus reveals: with dreamy aestheticism a childlike first glimpse – suggested by the formal use of characters and intense colours associated with this imagery – a second look reveals an acute perception of human relationship in society, ably masked by the composition of ingenious situations in irreverent images or themes, attributing to man his true dichotomous nature "ESPELHO ÀS AVESSAS" (MIRROR IN REVERSE) – Pocket Show presents the image of humanity as it really is: a synthesis of man-animal, a prisoner of his own stupidity, cruel and entertaining, incoherent and sometimes peculiarly sweet." [by Anne Lopes]