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Sáraméllo [1978]

São Paulo, Brazil.

Lives and works in São Paulo - Brazil.






2024 | Postgraduate Teaching in Arts Education | UniBF | Brazil | SP
| Technical Fashion Design | Senac | Brazil | SP

2003 | Plastic Techniques | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | UCM | Madrid | Spain

2000 | Architecture and Urbanism | Paulista State University | UNESP | Bauru | SP

1995 | Classical Music | Dramatic and Musical Conservatory Dr. Carlos de Campos | SP | Tatuí | SP



Individual Exhibitions



2016 | “Sentient" | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2015 | “Ils sont partout" | Galerie 17 Point Arts | France

2013 | “Mirror at the Top" | Smith Gallery | Brazil

2011 | "¿Y Si Fuera Hoy?" | Urban Arts Gallery | Brazil



Collective Exhibitions

2024 | "Ecotoy Art" | Espaço Galeria SESI | Itapetininga| Rio Preto | Campinas | Brazil

2023 | "Natureza Urbana"| Litt Galeria | São Paulo | Brazil

2018 | "Fantastic Fabulous" | La Casita | Santos | Brazil

2016 | "Jeux de Dames" 2nd Edition | Galerie 17.Art | Fontainebleau | France

2015 | "Move It" | Mag Art confectionery | São Paulo | | Brazil

2015 | "Mostra Sinlogo" | Casa Sinlogo Gallery | São Paulo | | Brazil

2015 | "Feline Art Exhibition" | Casa Sinlogo Gallery | São Paulo | | Brazil

2015 | "Petits Formats" | Galerie 17 Point Arts | Fontainebleau | France

2015 | "Jeux de Dames" | Galerie 17 Point Arts | Fontainebleau | France

2015 | "Exposition Collective" | Galerie 17 Point Arts | Fontainebleau | France

2014 | "Expressions of Brazil" | Gail Museum (Gyeonggi-do) | South Korea

2014 | "Shouts of Korea" | Kotra Open Gallery (Seoul) | South Korea

2014 | "Entremeios 3" | Pontifical Catholic University - PUC | Qaz Street Art Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2014 | "Imaginary Structures" | MARCO Museum of Contemporary Art of Mato Grosso do Sul | Brazil

2014 | "HandMADE 5" | NuVEM Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | 4th. Edition of Mail Art - International Ehxibition | MuBE Brazilian Sculpture Museum | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | Artists Collective | Zola Produtora | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | Collection Exhibition | Smith Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | 8th. Salon d'Art Contemporain Montreux Art Gallery | Switzerland

2012 | Ecotoy Art Exhibition | 8th. Pixel Show Edition | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | 10th. Annual Gala Edition | American Museum of Natural History | New York | USA

2012 | “CoinC” - Conjunto Nacional | Paulista Avenue | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Ecotoy Art Exhibition | Cultural Space of the Encounters Project | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | “Dream and Reality” | Casa Cor Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | White Space Projects - Adidas Originals | Cartel 011 | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Salon International du Portrait | Chatêau Beauregard | Val De Loire | France

2011 | TroyArt International Exhibition | MuBE Brazilian Sculpture Museum | São Paulo | Brazil

2011 | "Self-portraits" ”| Sciacco Art Office | Portugal House | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | "A Book About Death" | MOMA | Wales | UK

2010 | "Connections of Art" | Casa Cor Gallery | Sciacco Art Office | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | "Urban Arts" | Cartel 011 | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | "A Book About Death" | MuBE Brazilian Sculpture Museum | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | "Patchwork" | Cine Galpão | São Paulo | Brazil

Art Fairs


2019 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Hong Kong

2018 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2017 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Hong Kong

2017 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2016 | Affordable Art Fair [2nd Edition] | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2016 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Hong Kong

2016 | Affordable Art Fair | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2016 | Singapore Contemporary Art Show | Art Front Gallery | Singapore

2015 | Jeju International Art Fair | NuVEM Gallery | Jeju | South Korea

2015 | PART - Contemporary Art Fair | NuVEM Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2015 | SPArte - São Paulo International Art Fair | NuVEM Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2014 | PART - Contemporary Art Fair | Qaz Street Art Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2014 | ARTIGO Rio - Contemporary Art Fair | NuVEM Gallery | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

2013 | PART - Contemporary Art Fair | Smith Gallery | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Affordable Art Fair | Chelsea | New York | USA




Works in public collection:


MuBE - Brazilian Sculpture Museum | São Paulo | Brazil

MARCO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Mato Grosso do Sul | Campo Grande | Brazil



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Special projects


Arts published in book, magazine, fashion editorial:


2016 | Illustration published in the book "Frida Kahlo: The Fashion The Art Of Being" | New York | USA

2016 | Illustration published in Vogue magazine | Germany | May

2016 | "Love has no size" | Illustrated book for Editora Cuore | São Paulo | Brazil

2016 | "Summer" - Illustration created for HuffPost Brasil | Editora Abril | Brazil

2015 | "Love has no Color" - Illustrated book for Editora Cuore | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | "Casas para Coloring" - Illustrated book for Editora Cultural Sarau Visual | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | + B INspiration Brazil - ABEST | Trendbook for Fashion and Design | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Book “Cartofilia em 30” | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Show Business Magazine | Edition # 88 | Year 22 | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | Runner's Magazine | May. Editora Abril | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | Jetmembers fashion catalog | São Paulo | Brazil

2008 | Bagga bag catalog - Bag & Access | Autumn-Winter | São Paulo | Brazil

2007 | Tam Magazine - São Paulo | Brazil


Illustrations developed for advertising campaigns:


2014 | Agência Artéria Comunicação | São Paulo | Brazil

2014 | Bayer Pet | Brazil

2012 | Project "I'm a cup holder, are you?" | El Cabriton | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | "Project 54" - El Cabriton "| São Paulo | Brazil
2011 | Panasonic - United States

2011 | Panasonic + Oxford | Mother's Day | Brazil

2011 | HP | Brazil


Large-scale paintings for shops, scenario, events:


2016 | Mural for Architecture and Design Exhibition "Morar Mais por Menos" | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

2015 | Mural for Architecture and Design Exhibition "Morar Mais por Menos" | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

2014 | Mural for 'Delicari Leiteria' | Shop Shop. Patio Higienópolis | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | Mural for 'Delicari Leiteria' | Shop Vl. Nova Conceição | São Paulo | Brazil

2013 | Adidas Originals Mural | "White Space Projects" | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Scenographic panel for 'Fashion Weekend Kids' | JK Iguatemi | São Paulo | Brazil

2012 | Mural "El Cabriton Facade Project | Rua Agusta | São Paulo | Brazil

2011 | Mural for “Extreme Makeover” | Record TV | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | Mural for Architecture and Design Exhibition "Morar Mais por Menos" | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

2010 | Live painting for Ernst & Young Terco | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | Live painting for HP | São Paulo | Brazil

2010 | Mural for Architecture and Design Exhibition "Casa Cor" | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | Mural for Architecture and Design Exhibition "Casa Cor" | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | Scenographic panel for "Le Chefs Ét Decors" - Daslu | São Paulo | Brazil

2009 | Live painting for Rede Globo | "Caras e Bocas" | São Paulo | Brazil

2008 | Scenographic panel for International Women's Day | Moura | Portugal

Sculpture and installations:

2016 | “The Meeting” | Installation displayed at the entrance to Affordable Art Fair | Singapore

2016 | Ecotoy Art | São Paulo | Brazil

2016 | 4th. Mail Art Edition | International show exhibited at MuBE | São Paulo | Brazil

2016 | COINC PROJECT | Piece exhibited at Conjunto Nacional | São Paulo | Brazil

2016 | “Pajaritos” | Piece donated to the NY Museum of Natural History | USA

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